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Maxville Winery


马克斯威酒庄依傍在巴迪山脉柔和的山影之下,拥有纳帕山谷的宁静之美。 在这里,我们的想象力和创造力被葡萄园悠久的历史和山谷周围优美的田园风光所激发, 将旧世界的酿酒工艺与现代科技相结合,让果肉与酒精的发酵过程更加温和, 成就了马克斯威酒庄的品质传奇。在我们的酿酒哲学之中更关注“纯粹的品种表现”, 在它的指导下,我们长期致力于生产出品质均衡,果香出众、特征鲜明并且能够获奖的高品质葡萄酒。
我们自身的价值观与对葡萄酒事业的使命感相结合,马克斯威酒庄酿造的葡萄酒在美丽的酒体背后, 体现的是环境同景色协调一致。同时,我们致力于“葡萄酒王国”经验的积累,成为真正意义上的“纳帕精髓”。 我们热爱生活,尊重自然,因此,我们愿意将我们的生活之爱 ——马克斯威酒庄出产的优质葡萄酒与朋友们一同分享,无论第一天认识还是结交一生的朋友们。
酒庄的设计真实地反应了我们的哲学思想、文化及酿造工艺,前卫却不失周到, 传统与现代相融合,高效并且富有生机。我们希望通过自已的葡萄酒表达自己的辛勤劳作, 对细节的关注以及酿造过程的快乐。那些传统的规则太过空洞,对我们来说毫无吸引力,自由、奔放的天性是马克斯威酒庄的物质, 唯有保持满腔热情、乐此不疲的心绪,才能生产出品质均衡、果香出众, 特征鲜明的高品质葡萄酒。每一次品味马克斯威葡萄酒,你能感受到它在你口中起舞, 喉间吟唱。
Pure Napa winery
Nestled on a gentle knoll shadowed by the nearby Baldy Mountain, the site of Maxville Lake Winery typifies the peaceful, serene beauty of the Napa Valley in the world renowned Napa County, just eighty miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Our vision and creativity are inspired by the vineyards rich in history and countryside surrounding the Estate. Maxville Lake wines mix old-wrold tradition and modern technology to allow for gentler handling of both fruit and wine. Our winemaking philosophy is about pure varietal expression which produces award winning, balanced wines rich in fruit and deep in character.
Our mission combined with our value is to create aesthetically beautiful, sensitive to the environment in harmony with the landscape and focus on extending the wine country experience that is truly ”Quintessential Napa valley”. We embrace the essence of life, so we share our love of living and giving with those who join us either for a day or for a lifetime.
The design of our winery is truly reflected in our philosophy, culture and approach to winemaking. Bold but thoughtful.A blend of traditional and modern.Efficient, but lively and spirited. Our wines, we hope, embody our hard work, attention to detail and the joy we take in making them. We are all a bit free-spirited by nature. Conventional rules, devoid of understanding or heart, hold no appeal for us. Guided by youthful enthusiasm and tireless dedication, we produce balanced wines high in quality, rich in fruit, and deep in character.
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